Partnership has its advantages,
Profit from the experience.

Call NOW (800) 466-1481

Revenue Sharing Makes YOU Money

2000Charge allows agents to maximize their profit, for each client they sign up, by giving them the flexability to choose the plan they want to use to earn commission.

Plan Type From Gross Sign Up Agents Sign Up Clients
A Fixed %YesNoYes
B Buy-Rate YesNoYes
C Fixed %NoYesNo

Sample commission calculator

Upon your successful sales call, agents will be able to create a customized contract that not only meets their merchants' needs but maximizes their own profit!

After your client has begun processing transactions you will immediately receive compensation based on the volume processed. Here are just a few of the many financial benefits you will enjoy:

  • Residual Commissions
    Agent2k offers a successful combination of lucrative commission and industry experience. Agents are paid ongoing residual commissions on every deal that processes with us!
  • Recruit Agents and Earn More
    Not only do we pay you based on your own commission, but if you sign up other agents, you will earn commission off of their sales as well!
  • Get Paid ON TIME!
    Payments are made monthly, like clockwork. There are never any delays or late payments.
Get Started!